Services &


Brilliant ideas are only possible with sound strategy and the knowledge that the environment is constantly changing.
The notion that ideas are generated for 'Channels' is outdated, replaced by a landscape of literally millions of 'Intersections' where users can be found interfacing with technology (and media).
At Deepend we believe these Intersections form the basis of where brands can connect with their consumers and are the focus of how we apply our efforts, striving to make businesses more successful.

To complement this, we have refined our capabilities across two core service offerings:

Production Services / Personal

Tablet Apps (iPad/Android)

Tablets are a 'lean back' experience with a depth of interaction unrivalled by PC, mobile or TV, and brands established in these mediums will need to evolve to remain relevant.
When television first arrived it was basically radio with pictures; stylish radio actors were filmed standing in front of microphones. It took clarity and innovation to evolve the old style of storytelling, and the digital world faces a similar challenge with tablet applications presenting opportunities well beyond PC and mobile.
Tablets are an exciting new medium for brands looking to engage, and while most companies group tablets somewhere between laptops and mobile phones, at Deepend we see a much greater potential to utilise tablets as a powerful device independent of PCs, web browsers and location.
We understand that users approach tablets in an entirely different frame of mind to other mediums ­– it’s a considered and deliberate engagement, not a spontaneous interaction. This makes tablets a ‘lean back’ experience with a depth of interaction unrivalled by PC, mobile or TV, and brands established in these mediums will need to evolve to remain relevant.
Deepend are helping brands to align their content, messaging and approach with the unique features available to tablets, and we are excited to be developing solutions that will continue to shape the future growth of the market.

Find out more about leveraging the power of Mobile App Development and download an outline of how we'd structure a Mobile App Audit to help understand and leverage the value of your mobile assets. 

Leadership Team

David McGowan

Business Director

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